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Battle River - Couple For The Road


Battle River - Couple For The Road

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Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen! Gewicht: 0.07 kg
Hersteller/Importeur: Indianershop Seven Arrows


Mack Kingbird - Keveon Kingbird - Kevin Kingbird - Don Kingbird - Gerald Kingbird - Mike Thunder - Mike Roy - Jon Prentice - Bob Barrett - Pibbs Baker - Elliot Cloud - Terry Sengoles - Justin Smith - Frank Graves - Greg Thomas - Monica Prentice - Cecil Nepoose - Willy Strong

BATTLE RIVER - Biography 1998

World Singing Northern Style" Champions, Battle River have been winning contest Pow Wow's all over Canada and the US. Another high caliber group from Red Lake, Minnesota home of Eyabay and Kingbird Singers, Battle River have been making their mark on the Pow Wow trail with their unique and powerful style of singing. Best known for their "Straight" Songs, Battle River is blending a traditional style with a contemporary approach. This long awaited release "Couple for the Road" contains 11 of Battle River's newest songs.

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